Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Picnic Report (and other happenings)

Let's see if I can ignore this headache long enough to write something meaningful.  I'm chalking it up to not eating until a few minutes ago.

Our picnic was a fun time.  We dined at the roadside park in scenic Bloomsdale, eating big sandwiches and fruit cups while drinking bottled water.  Afterwords, we went for a country drive, taking Y all the way out to 67.  It was a good time.  But why is there a tiger sanctuary on Y halfway between Bloomsdale and Lawrenceton?  Missouri doesn't seem like an appropriate place to house tigers.

I finished the last Matthew Scudder book this morning, or the last one until Lawrence Block puts out another.  I enjoyed it so much I friended Mr. Block on Facebook and sent him a message, something I don't think I've ever done.  Now I'm going to read a Wodehouse and try to forget about serial killers for a while.

Belle stashed that damn hoof under my pillow last night to keep me or Carrie from getting it.  She's an odd dog sometimes.

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