Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Reviewing everything I read may be paying off...

Last Saturday, I finished devouring the newest Lawrence Block book, Getting Off, and wrote a review, as has been my habit for nearly ever book I've read in the past two-ish years.  On a whim, I posted the link to my book blog entry on Facebook and promptly went on to the next book in my pile.

This morning, I had an email from Mr. Block.  Attached was a PDF of his next book, The Night and The Music, a collection of short stories starring Matthew Scudder, and a request that I review it to spread the word before it is released.

Let me restate this:  MY favorite living crime writer asked ME to write a review for a collection of tales starring MY favorite detective character.  There may have been a certain percentage of strutting in my stride after reading that email and I hope I didn't make any embarassing noises. 

Needless to say, I'm either going to put Steppenwolf on the back burner and leap into The Night and The Music or finish wolfing (see what I did there?) down Hermann Hesse's masterpiece tonight.  It's not every day a man's favorite author plops an unreleased book in his lap.

On a completly unrelated note, how big of a PDF document is too big to print at work?


  1. Dude, that is VERY cool!!! congratulations :)

  2. Thanks! I know he sent it out to other reviewers but I'm feeling proud of myself at the moment.
