Thursday, October 10, 2013

Looks like I'm doing this

With a little over two weeks left, I'm officially tossing my writing hat through the NaNoWriMo ring.  I'm attempting a Rural Fantasy novel this year.  It makes more sense to me that nasty creatures would be lurking on the fringes of society rather than in booming metropolises.  Here's the teaser:

Jonah Steelgrave has been running from his eldritch destiny for almost a decade, fleeing his former country life for the big city.  When an ex-girlfriend asks him for help locating her missing sister and tells him his mother hasn't been seen in town for over a month, destiny finally wraps its bony fingers around his throat... 

Things to do:
- come up with character names other than Jonah and his mother.
- make the emergency list

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