Monday, November 28, 2011

NaNoWriMo 2011 - Day 28 Report

Can you believe NaNoWriMo is almost over?  It seems like just yesterday I was worrying about not being prepared enough.

I had big plans about printing out Bullets Don't Blink today and starting my revision but I'm a little gunshy about it.  Not to mention still tired from the earlier exertions of the month.  Well, that might be an exaggeration.  I did write a short story during my clandestine writing time today that may become the first chapter of something somewhere down the line.

I guess I feel like I need to recharge my batteries a bit before returning to Bullets Don't Blink.  Reading a few quick crime books would go a long way toward preparing me for months of editing.

On a side note, it's really hard coming back to work after four days off.


  1. Yes, I know the pain of returning to work after a break. I know it all too well!

    I am very ready for NaNo to be over, and for me to have a total break from writing. Except I'm meant to be revising a novel (last year's NaNo) in December. Hmm...

  2. Dude, going back to work was flipping brutal.
