Sunday, December 26, 2010

Yuletide Aftermath

Another Christmas has come and gone.  Everyone can now relax and let their lives gradually return to normal.  After the Christmas Eve festivities were canceled, I was actually looking forward to a couple Christmases.  It was much better than the four Christmases in three days a few years ago.

Carrie's aunt's Christmas was fun.  The ham was excellent, the deserts were plentiful, and I wasn't the biggest loser in Mexican Train.  Carrie's mom loved the aluminum tumblers and the calendar I made her using my photographs and her dad loved the vest we braved the mob in Bass Pro for.  Today, we went to my mom and dad's for Christmas Breakfast.  My mom also loved the calendar I made but wasn't as pleased as I thought with the books I bought her.  My dad, on the other hand, was excited about his movies and had a good time playing the Seinfeld trivia game Carrie got me.  My brother got me an external hard drive that I'm currently backing things up on as we speak.

The total book hall for this Christmas was fifteen; nine were actual books and the other six I bought using Christmas giftcards.  If the winter is brutal, at least I'll have books.

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